

Monday, May 9, 2011

How to wear jewelry

How long does it take to be ready for the job? For one night with the girls? For a first date? I suppose if you're like most women are to take at least half an hour just to decide what to wear. Then you shower, choose hair, nails and make-up and shoes. A few hours later, see the results in the mirror and your brow furrows in confusion, all the work and something is missing. Ah! The Bling! You forgot to put your favorite jewelry.How long does it take you to decide what to wear jewelry? It 's amazing how many women necklace, take the first thing you put your hands or just the bracelet and wear it every day. Even after hours of assembling the perfect outfit. E 'in the fashion jewelry only in such clothes.

If you look through time, you will see that in some years, the stuff with colored pieces in vogue, and sometimes the simple diamond studs are all you need. Jewelry is personal asis your wardrobe. It is a statement about who you are. It can also be a statement about your financial situation. If you wear a Chanel suit, you might believe, wearing a necklace of $ 15 with him. Want to solve a gold and diamond necklace in a stylish classic design. Some pieces of jewelry that are not very expensive, timeless and versatile and can be used with almost everything. A string of pearls, for example, can be used with almost everything. It will be seen in an open-largewhite shirt or a low-cut cashmere cardigan. A gold chain with a pendant of diamonds will complement the entire top or black dress, a cocktail dress or evening. In the '70s, Colliers high fashion. black velvet with a pendant in silver or gold on the front. You need a long thin neck via a collar.

Anklets Women

Be aware, however, that those responsible for Colliers care are considered, so if you try to keep a low profile, avoid neck. The rule said if you have aMetal and stick with it. So if you wear earrings wear silver necklace and bracelet in silver as well. This seems no longer the case and especially with the advent of Pandora bracelets, people seem to combine silver, gold and white gold with abandon. In summary, the rules are quite simple in those days, select jewelry that complement what you wear with style and class. Give your jewelry the same attention you give to do the rest of your equipment andMake sure that what you wear clothing and / or jewelry that you comfortable with the result. And remember that people will judge you on your jewelry as much if not more, than they do on clothing.

How to wear jewelry


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